Fifth Year Project

The project communicates speculatively how future biological concrete has potential in reclaiming cities and thus preventing the mass demolition and decaying of under-valued typologies. These victimized spaces can be intervened and revised for typological change. The project utilises a derelict non-descript city enveloped in debris and waste, unrecognizable to what it once was. The city's infrastructure that supports the residential, office and other moments most common in a city are maintained. However, in this speculative project’s case, the post-future concrete is devised in a scheme to use existing structures as the basis of reiterating moments in the city. The moments will be intersected, bored, or carved as new space creates a revisioned typology that ultimately contributes to a living and developing reiterated city. The concrete noted in the project is a vital part of its construction as it is the focused material and allows the project to identify the vast masses of land material has to travel to reach a destination.

3. Zoomed in north and south section.jpg

Third Year Project 2

This is a continuation of my third year first term project which is based on contributing to the goal of moving forward to a sustainable future. The project is influenced by various precedents studies and entertainment inspirations. These various studies, alongside my own interests are present in the core ideas behind the project which is to demonstrate and educate how to create a sustainable future.


Third Year Project 1

This first project in third year challenged me to think beyond the obvious and mundane. The project was divided into multiple different briefs and from this we constructed a research project about ‘commons’. The commons is an area of green space which people use for various activities and my project concentrates on how The Level in Brighton has been used over the years. The research develops into a device which can effect people on my chosen site. This device then develops into a pavilion of the ‘commons’ which can be transported and used in any ‘commons’ area.

24. Complex Structural Drawing (2).jpg

Second Year Project 2

This project was a continuation of my first project in second year. The project was to be inspired by the Latin American Icon used in project one (in my case Marcelo Bielsa) and required additional research to relate the design to the site and to the brief. Therefore, I decided to create a rehabilitation centre for football managers who had lost their passion for the game. The centre would treat patients and prepare them psychologically for the challenges they would face in the modern game.


Second Year Project 1

This project brief required us to respond to a Latin American Icon and create a building for them. I am passionate about football and have followed it all my life. Therefore, I wanted to study and research someone within football who is significant not only to Latin America, but also to the development of football worldwide. I chose Marcelo Bielsa as he is the pioneer of a variety football tactics which were the engine for some of the greatest footballing teams to play the game. As a result of this, I wanted to make a bespoke training facility for Marcelo Bielsa.


First Year

This is a compilation of my best work throughout first year. It was a year where I was finding my feet within architecture and discovering how I wanted to work.


Higher Art I.B

This is a visual documentation of all my final pieces of work for my I.B Higher Art which I studied at Wellington College, Berkshire. This contains an assortment of works. However, the underlying theme is based on architecture. I specifically look at Italian architecture, architecture within London and designing my own gallery.